Full turbo schedule
Click here to see the 2025 Turbo Schedule
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Click here to see a full listing of our 2019 Turbos
The Phase 1 Turbo is an intensive 3-day session that will walk you through the same life-changing process that the 13-week option does. This is not a typical seminar where the leaders do all the talking and the participants sit back and listen. Most of what you will experience during these three days will be “hands on,” dealing with issues in your own personal life. This will require that you come willing and ready to be transparent and open. You will do this in a safe, confidential small group with a facilitator, possibly a facilitator in training, yourself and two other people.
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Phase 2 Turbo Description
This 2-day intensive session is a very practical teaching/workshop that covers all of the material in the traditional 13-week Phase 2.
This powerful intensive 2-day session will allow you to explore the depths of your relationship with God. During this session you will identify the biblical patterns of thinking God wants you to have towards yourself, others, life, and most of all, Him. The Phase 2 Turbos are taught by our National Director, Jim Hobson.
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Click here to see a full listing of our 2019 Turbos
Phase 3 Turbo Description
This 2-day intensive session is a very practical teaching/workshop that covers all of the material in the traditional 13-week Phase 3.
During the Phase 3 Turbo, you will take the love of God beyond head knowledge into the reality of your everyday life. You will leave the turbo with a personal Christ-In-Me Identity Statement. It will reflect the oneness of your relationship with Christ. It will also reflect the truth about you that will set you free from the issues/lies of your past. You will also walk away with a personal Christ-Through-Me Identity Statement that will help you in your relationships with other significant people in your life. Additionally, you will take with you a personalized plan of how you will continue to renew your mind. All Phase 3 Turbos are co-taught by Jim Hobson, National Director, and Kathie Hobson, National Training Director.
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Loading all the turbos we offer will be a big job. It’s not complicated but will take some time. If you would like to help us out by volunteering some time and live in the Des Moines area please give us a call at 515-251-6838. We offer training, a computer, smiles and free coffee.
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