
Fall Class Schedule



Classes start the week of September 8th!

Fall classes have arrived. For more information, visit us at and register TODAY!

Classes include:


Questions, call the Christ-Life Center at 515.251.6838.

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New Refine Your Mind Allegory Class

A silversmith places the silver into the fire to purify it. He refines it over and over until all the dross is removed and he can look into it and clearly see his reflection. Similarly, God continues refining us so we can clearly reflect His image and likeness.

Going through The Ultimate Journey/Christ-Life may have felt like you were going through God’s refining fire. No doubt, a number of your corrupted childhood mindsets were brought to the surface, and like dross, were burned away by exchanging them for God’s truth. One of the tools used to stoke that refining fire was the allegories; for example, do you remember The Beach Ball of Truth?

Perhaps on this leg of your journey, you see yourself needing more refining. Just like the silversmith is not focused on the impurities but on the end result, God refines us for our good and for His glory to be seen through us.

We are excited to make available a free, four-week demo of Refine Your Mind – A weekly audio allegory series designed to bring your mind into alignment with God’s truth about you.

Each week you will receive an email with a link to listen to an allegory from the TUJ curriculum and a few reflection questions for you to ponder.

To take advantage of this free, four-week demo simply click HERE. The full Refine Your Mind weekly audio allegory series includes 50 different allegories and can be purchased in our store or by clicking HERE. We hope you will find this four-week demo beneficial and will choose to purchase the full 50-week series for only $20.

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April Phase 2 & Phase 3 Turbos

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Giving Tuesday

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Does God have a sense of humor?

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We are Thankful for YOU!

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Exciting News for TUJ Alumni

The New Online Portal

We have exciting news! All of The Ultimate Journey materials are now available digitally online through our new Online Portal. That includes audio-books and teaching videos for ALL THREE PHASES as well as PDF’s of the most current TUJ materials that you can read online or print.

Have you ever wanted to go back over those life transforming truths that impacted you when going through The Ultimate Journey (formerly The Christ-Life Solution) but couldn’t find the time to go back through it all? Now you can! With our new Online Portal, by simply listening to the audio-books while you go about your normal life activities, or by watching a powerful teaching video while sitting in the comfort of your home, those truths you learned will be reinforced and you will gain new insights to help you continue growing forward.

In the future, when new participants are registering for The Ultimate Journey, they will receive everything they need in a digital format through the Online Portal. While not necessary, after registering, participants will have the opportunity to purchase hard copies of the books for an additional $20 per book.

As our alumni, we want to make the Online Portal available to you! If you are a monthly donor, you have already been given access for free. If you are not currently a monthly donor, you can have free access by becoming a monthly donor, or by making a one-time minimum donation of $20 for each phase you want to access ($60 for all three phases). (Note: This special alumni offer is only for those phases you have already completed. If you have not completed a phase, you will need to go through the normal registration process for that phase.)

When making your donation, you must add this comment to the Notes Field “Phase X Online Portal” inserting the Phase number(s) you want in place of the X. If you don’t add this comment, we have no way of knowing you are wanting the Online Portal access so your donation will be treated as a general donation. Click here to make your donation and receive your free Online Portal access. When we process your donation, we will send you an email with instructions to reset your password and log in to the Online Portal (This could take up to 2 business days). Also, our new Online Portal requires email verification so you will receive an additional email asking you to verify your email address.

Your Online Portal access will remain open as long as you don’t opt out of our emails or jeopardize our status with email providers by not opening any of our correspondence for over six months. Emailing to inactive accounts causes email providers to classify our emails as spam and thereby block our emails to everyone.

We trust you will be blessed as you take advantage of this new tool and go back over those life transforming truths. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to email us at or call our offices at (515) 251-6838.

Love and appreciate you!

Jim Hobson

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FREE Gift for TUJ Alumni

FREE Allying Yourself Handbook

Remember how good it felt when you put your hand on your heart or wrote yourself letters and validated your feelings, comforted yourself, and told yourself the truth. Remember how the burden was lifted and you experienced peace and healing. You learned in Phase 1 to care for your heart, but when life gets busy, it’s easy to forget the importance of siding with God for yourself by being your own ally.

As you go through your day, situations happen that cause you to react in certain ways. They will often trigger emotions connected to the messages you came to believe about yourself from your childhood experiences. As a result, you will respond in positive or negative ways. How you respond will depend upon what you are telling yourself. We all need to develop healthy patterns of allying ourselves.

Consistent repetition is the key to building a new habit. It takes at least 21 days of doing something repeatedly for your brain to develop new neural pathways. This handbook is designed to help you practice the skill of being your own ally, which is the key to experiencing emotional wholeness and spiritual transformation so you can walk in freedom and live out your God-given purpose. We believe this is so important we want to offer this Allying Yourself Handbook to you FREE of charge.

Additionally, don’t forget we have also officially launched our new Online Portal. We have a special offer for all of our alumni to access the digital content of Phases 1, 2 or 3, which includes our new audio-books. Click Here to get more information and access.


Jim Hobson

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Getting Together with Family For Thanksgiving?

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    Equipping people to be followers of Christ who live their lives with nothing to prove, nothing to lose, nothing to fear, and nothing to hide.

    Christ-Life Ministries
    P.O. Box 3841  |   Des Moines, IA 50323