Why go on to Phase 2?

Where do I go from here?

Congratulations!  You’ve completed Phase 1 of The Ultimate Journey! By now you’ve had a chance to unpack much of your self-deception and should have a better understanding of how you’ve reached this point in life.  As you discovered in Phase 1, the events of your past formed the “glasses” through which you learned to see yourself and life.  As you unpacked the lies you learned to believe and exchanged them for the truth, things became clearer and you were no longer bound by the self-deception attached to those lies.  Those glasses not only distorted your view of yourself, but they distorted your view of God too.  That is the focus of Phase 2.

When you know God for who he really is and are in right standing with him, he frees you from the frustration, anxiety and endless toil that follows when you’re a slave to that merciless taskmaster: your radically independent, control freak self.  Toil, insecurity and stress are major elements of the curse that befell the human race as a result of Adam’s fall into Sin.  They prevent us from abiding in God and resting in him.  They condemn us to endless striving and an insatiable craving to be the one who is in control with no real hope of peace or lasting, fulfilling success.

During Phase 2 you will come to trust God with your life because you will know him for who he really is rather than how the world shaped your understanding of him.  As you live out this intimate, bonded relationship with your Creator, you will learn to draw everything you need from him.  True rest, peace, joy, and fulfillment really are attainable in and through him.

If  just getting the Israelites out from under the bondage of Egypt was all God had in mind, they could have settled there next to the Red Sea where Pharaoh’s armies were destroyed.  But each time God sent Moses to Pharaoh to say, “Let my people go”, he followed that command with the reason why: “That they may worship me.”  It is vitally important that we complete the journey God has called us to undertake.  If we do not complete The Ultimate Journey; if we do not learn to worship God and become one with him, we will drift back into the bondage of Egypt.

Right now, at this very moment, God is wooing and calling you to continue The Ultimate Journey with him.  Receive the love God longs to pour out to you.  Let him take you by the hand and lead you, not just out of Egypt, but all the way to the Promised Land.  Don’t just settle here… move forward into the destiny God has for you!

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    Equipping people to be followers of Christ who live their lives with nothing to prove, nothing to lose, nothing to fear, and nothing to hide.

    Christ-Life Ministries
    P.O. Box 3841  |   Des Moines, IA 50323