2014 – November – What’s Happening?

Here is a quick look at some of the things happening at Christ-Life Ministries:

  • We finished piloting our new Gardening Your Children: Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids curriculum.  Pray for God’s wisdom and direction as we work to get this material into a format you can use in your home or church.
  • We printed 8,000 copies of our new Pastors Brochure.  Pray that God will use this brochure to open more doors.
  • An anonymous donor recently pledged a matching gift of $100 for each of the first 100 people to either make a new pledge of at least $25 per month for the next year or to increase their current monthly pledge by any amount. Now is a great time to invest in what God is doing in The Ultimate Journey.
  • Our board will be having its annual strategic planning meeting on November 19th.  Please pray for us as we seek God’s continued wisdom and direction.
  • We will be starting a 90-day Renewing Your Mind Challenge beginning January 1, 2015.  Participants will do this from home as a self-study but stay connected through social media.  Interested? Email jim@theultimatejourney.org
  • On November 12th we mailed you a copy of the new Pastors Brochure.  If you don’t receive it, please email us as we probably have a bad address for you in our system.

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    Equipping people to be followers of Christ who live their lives with nothing to prove, nothing to lose, nothing to fear, and nothing to hide.

    Christ-Life Ministries
    P.O. Box 3841  |   Des Moines, IA 50323