2014 July – Kids Corner

The scribbles you see on the poster are “remarks” from three-year-olds!

You want candles with that?

Remember how loved and appreciated you felt when affirmations were read to you during your small group? Imagine how a child would feel hearing those same sentiments expressed by friends or family members. One of the best gifts you can give a child is “the gift of affirmation.” It’s powerful! And it’s simple to do for kids of any age.

Just choose an affirmation you particularly like from one of the phases, one that you feel would be a good complement to the child in your life. Then take a large Post-It poster and write the child’s name at the top. Think of positive adjectives that describe the child and that start with each of the letters in the child’s first name. Write these words on the poster along with the child’s name.

For example, you could do this for a birthday. Depending on the setting you’re in (e.g., a school classroom, someone’s home, or a “party place”), have all the kids along with any adults who are present write something affirming about the child on the poster. The possibilities are endless. In the picture shown, the following affirmations were given to children, from children: “You are beautiful inside and out.” “You are such a great little girl anyone would love.” “You are nice.” “You are very funny.” “You are perfect just the way you are.”

When everyone is done, you can place a crown on the birthday child’s head and encourage everyone to sing “Happy Birthday.” After this, have everyone read aloud what they wrote to the birthday child. What makes this extra special is that by using a large piece of Post-It paper, birthday kids can take their posters home and stick them on bedroom walls or anywhere else in their homes!

Kids and grownups of all ages enjoy this. After all, what’s not to enjoy about making people feel good about themselves? Kids could even do this for their parents!

The scribbles you see on the poster are “remarks” from three-year-olds!

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