The Ultimate Journey

The Ultimate Journey Path

The Ultimate Journey takes you through three phases:

Phase 1 – Unpacking Self-Deception:

Who am I really?  Trading self-deception for God’s true perception of you.

You will receive healing for hurts and wounds and uncover the lies you believe that have held you back, tripped you up, and even derailed you at times. By looking at the past events of your life, you will be able to identify your current thinking patterns, uncover how you acquired them, and embrace the truth that sets you free. If you have been looking for a safe, confidential place to help you get on with the life God wants you to have, this is it!

Phase 2 – Abandoning Self-Reliance:

Who is God, and can he be trusted?  Trading self-reliance for total dependence on God.

You will discover God’s solution to your guilt, shame, fear, and anxiety as you come to know God for who he really is rather than who you think he is. You will move beyond the hopelessness of never feeling good enough as you leave the treadmill of performance or addiction. As you live out this intimate, bonded relationship with your Creator, you will be able to trust him and draw everything you need from him.

Phase 3 – Embracing Self-Surrender:

Who is God living in me?  Trading self-life identity for Christ’s identity in you.

This phase provides practical tools that enable you to take the power of God beyond head knowledge and apply it to your everyday life. As you exchange old thinking patterns for those of your Creator, you will be transformed by the renewing of your mind. You will learn what it means to abide in Christ and experience the blessing of a life surrendered to him.

As you progress through these three phases, you will realize you have nothing to prove, nothing to lose, nothing to fear and nothing to hide. God longs to draw you to himself.  Respond to his call and join him on The Ultimate Journey.

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