“We desire to have a safe church where we can be real and allow Jesus to transform us together rather than living pretend lives. A safe church has safe leaders, and God has used The Ultimate Journey to help develop safe leaders in our fellowship. This has had a tremendous impact on the culture of our church community.”
“I have used The Ultimate Journey in two churches. We have seen hundreds of lives affected for God’s kingdom, marriages restored to new levels of understanding, and individuals ransomed from captive thoughts that had kept them in bondage. God continues to use this ministry as a tool for hope and healing to generations of his people.”
“We have experienced more life transformation through The Ultimate Journey than through any other single ministry tool.”
“It is evident that our church has changed. People now care more for each other. We are a family as each member looks out for the other. What a blessing!”
“The opportunities to see God transform people through this ministry have been incredible. Not only is The Ultimate Journey a great discipleship tool, but it weaves God’s heart into people’s experiences. People come into contact with our God’s incredible love and it changes the narrative they have been told, interpreted, or have made up in their minds, namely that God is distant and doesn’t care about them. That gets changed when an individual goes through The Ultimate Journey.”
“After having completed The Ultimate Journey, it has become the primary discipleship tool of the churches where I’ve been the pastor. It has brought freedom to those who have taken the program, and changed lives!”
“This discipleship process results in transformation. As the percentage of our congregation participating in the groups has increased, our relationships and interactions have been transformed. There is unity and healthy, selfless love. We enjoy celebrating together God’s transforming work in one another’s lives.”
“The Ultimate Journey is not a magic wand that will fix everyone who has issues. I have seen tremendous fruit, however, in the lives of many people as a result of The Ultimate Journey, including my own life. For many in our fellowship, this material has been the catalyst God has used to produce freedom, health, and growth in their lives.”