The Ultimate Journey

FREE Gift for TUJ Alumni

FREE Allying Yourself Handbook

Remember how good it felt when you put your hand on your heart or wrote yourself letters and validated your feelings, comforted yourself, and told yourself the truth. Remember how the burden was lifted and you experienced peace and healing. You learned in Phase 1 to care for your heart, but when life gets busy, it’s easy to forget the importance of siding with God for yourself by being your own ally.

As you go through your day, situations happen that cause you to react in certain ways. They will often trigger emotions connected to the messages you came to believe about yourself from your childhood experiences. As a result, you will respond in positive or negative ways. How you respond will depend upon what you are telling yourself. We all need to develop healthy patterns of allying ourselves.

Consistent repetition is the key to building a new habit. It takes at least 21 days of doing something repeatedly for your brain to develop new neural pathways. This handbook is designed to help you practice the skill of being your own ally, which is the key to experiencing emotional wholeness and spiritual transformation so you can walk in freedom and live out your God-given purpose. We believe this is so important we want to offer this Allying Yourself Handbook to you FREE of charge.

Additionally, don’t forget we have also officially launched our new Online Portal. We have a special offer for all of our alumni to access the digital content of Phases 1, 2 or 3, which includes our new audio-books. Click Here to get more information and access.


Jim Hobson

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