The Ultimate Journey

2014 September – Affirmation

“Lord, thank you for exchanging lives with me. Thank you that there is nothing I need to do to fix or improve myself. Your perfect life lives in me. I draw from your perfect life in me instead of from my own life.”

Have you ever started a home repair project or some other task that never seemed to end? You’d think you were almost done, and then you’d uncover something else that needed attention.

That’s what it would be like trying to live the Christian life without the assurance of Christ in you. The work is never done, and nothing is ever quite good enough. There’s this nagging thought that if you’d just work a little harder, read the Bible more often, or devote more time to prayer, maybe someday you will “get there.”

Praise God, that’s not the life He called us to live! We are already “there” because everything that belongs to Christ, our covenant representative, also belongs to us! God never intended for us to fix ourselves up. He knew we couldn’t do it. Instead, we rest in the knowledge that God has already provided everything we need because He is faithful to His word. He will continue the good work He began in us as we continue renewing our minds in Christ.

Remember, “And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (italic added). There’s no situation or circumstance we’ll encounter in life that God hasn’t already covered!

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